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Posted: 19 Aug 2013 09:18 PM PDT

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Link to yamaha honda - Google News

Jorge Lorenzo fears Yamaha being outdone by Honda in MotoGP 2013 - autosport.com

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 06:30 AM PDT


Jorge Lorenzo fears Yamaha being outdone by Honda in MotoGP 2013
Jorge Lorenzo believes Yamaha now needs new development parts to have a chance of halting Honda's progress towards the 2013 MotoGP title. Honda rider Marc Marquez's third consecutive race victory in last weekend's Indianapolis Grand Prix means he ...
MotoGP: Indianapolis Grand Prix Wrap-Up MotoGP true to form at The Brickyard.Cycleworld
Marc Marquez makes it four wins in IndyGulf Times
MotoGP: Marquez wins third straight raceAutocar India
MiamiHerald.com -Bikeland -The Journalist
all 220 news articles »

Motorcycling - Lorenzo fears Honda pulling away - Yahoo! Eurosport UK

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 04:04 PM PDT

Yahoo! Eurosport UK

Motorcycling - Lorenzo fears Honda pulling away
Yahoo! Eurosport UK
Lorenzo said his only hope is that the fast corners of the next two tracks will suit Yamaha better than the sinuous Indianapolis layout, where he fell from leading the race to finishing third behind the Hondas. "With the bike we have, maybe in Brno it ...

Sizzling Marquez adds to American domination - DAWN.com

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 07:51 PM PDT

Sizzling Marquez adds to American domination
Compatriot and Repsol Honda team mate Dani Pedrosa finished second, 3.495 seconds behind Marquez, with another Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo ending in third place on his Yamaha. Italy's seven-times world champion Valentino Rossi burst into fourth place ...
Indy MotoGP Press Conference TranscriptSuperbikePlanet.com
Marc Marquez wins the Indianapolis Grand Prix as he extends his championship ...OzRacingWrap

all 5 news articles »

Após Honda renovar CG, Yamaha confirma sua 1ª moto 150 flex - Globo.com

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 10:49 AM PDT

Após Honda renovar CG, Yamaha confirma sua 1ª moto 150 flex
A Yamaha confirmou nesta sexta-feira (16) que irá lançar no Brasil uma inédita moto flex de 150 cilindradas da marca, com injeção eletrônica, ainda sem nome definido. O anúncio ocorreu dias após a Honda renovar a linha CG no país. Além disso, a ...

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MotoSport Announces the Ultimate Ride Giveaway with up to $20000 in Prizes ... - San Francisco Chronicle (press release)

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 11:02 AM PDT

MotoSport Announces the Ultimate Ride Giveaway with up to $20000 in Prizes ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
2014 Yamaha YZ450F dirt bike;; 2013 Yamaha KFX450R quad ATV;; 2013 Honda CBR600RR sportbike;; 2013 Suzuki Boulevard M90 cruiser, or;; 2014 Yamaha Grizzly 700 Fl Auto 4x4 EPS UTV. As part of the Grand Prize package, the winner will also ...

and more »

Promosi Online di Internet

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 08:06 PM PDT

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